Rose Arhunmwunde Foundation
"Touching Life where it matters most!"
5,000+ lives touched across the country
About us
Giving the less privilege a new hope, making them feel Valuable & Loved
Mission-To provide care, education assistance and succour amongst other things to the less-privileged, orphans and motherless babies!
Vision- We seek to transform the lives of the less privileged by meeting their physical, mental and spiritual needs.
About us- We are a not-for-profit foundation, motivated by an ethical mandate to better the lives of the less-privilege and non-privilege.
We work hard to offer a better future for the less-privilege and non-privilege through our valuable support and mentorship, enabling them to discover their true potential that will better their lives.
Come join us
We undertake social events which give quality life for the less privilege.
We organize social events for orphans, IDPs, disabled persons, widows & less privileged students
13 July, 2021
RAF, on its first day of founding, reached out to patients in a hospital, in Benin City, Edo State.
17 July, 2021
RAF reach out to the Internally Displaced Persons camp in Benin City. The foundation provided lots of food items and other essentials to cater to the Internally Displaced Persons, who were mostly children and young adults.
18 July, 2021
RAF conducted a charity outreach to a Rehabilitation Centre in Benin City, where it ministered to the needs of some of the disabled persons in the centre.